Maintaining a clean and welcoming exterior is vital for any business that wants to create a welcoming first impression.
Our exterior site cleaning services can be tailored to meet the needs of your business, ensuring the exterior of your building, and its surrounding areas, are hygienic and presentable. Our building site cleaners have the skills and the equipment efficiently clean everything, from your pathways, to your gutters.
Expert Technicians
Our highly qualified technicians utilise market-leading hygiene technology to deliver the highest standard of service. We offer nationwide coverage across the whole of the UK, allowing us to cover single and multi-site operations.
We can provide a regular maintenance programme as well as one-off deep cleans. Services will be provided on a day and time that suits you, with 24/7 availability.

Our expert technicians have the right equipment to suit any type of surface.
Full building cover
Our highly trained technicians can clean your entire exterior, from the floor to the roof of your building.
Cost saving
We provide all the specialist equipment needed, saving you the additional costs of equipment hire.
We’ll work with you to ensure services are carried out a time that best suits you.
After the main restoration of St.Pancras International Station, the terrazzo concourse flooring required treating. As the station was operational, only a small five hour working window was available. phs met these requirements using a method which not only delivered an excellent finish, but ensured the floor was sealed and available for use within the required work window.