In a busy working office, it’s crucial to ensure employees are productive and motivated. This can take the form of numerous small tasks, from stocking up on tea bags to keeping eating areas clean.

Today we’re going to talk about the benefits of window cleaning services - one of the most effective ways to keep a working environment clean, welcoming and motivating. 

Let’s take a look: 

More Natural Light & Productivity 

This one is easily overlooked, and if your windows haven’t been as clean as they should be for a while, it’s possible your employees have grown accustomed to this, completely unaware of the natural light that they’re missing. However, natural light has been proven to boost productivity, improve moods, and increase energy levels. 

With modern offices often coming with large windows, allowing natural light to encompass working areas is becoming more and more easy. However, many businesses don’t keep those windows as clean as they should, leading to a gloomy outlook for staff, both literally and metaphorically![Text Wrapping Break] 

This point also ties directly into productivity, making people feel happier, healthier, calmer and more productive in a naturally bright working environment.  

Branding & Image 

First impressions are always important, and if a potential client or partner comes to visit you to find a dark, dingy office with grimy windows, you’re fighting an uphill battle before a meeting even starts. A well presented, bright and clean office is a fundamental part of being taken seriously in business.  

Reduce Costs 

Regular window cleaning can save you thousands in maintenance costs by reducing the buildup of bacteria, dirt, dust and grime. This extends the life of parts such as hinges and frames, while reducing the chance of leaks that often require a complete window replacement. 

Beyond maintenance, an effective window cleaning service will also reduce electricity bills by increasing the natural light and heat available in the building, reducing the need for artificial light and heating. 

You can even usually save money on the window cleaning itself - as if it’s done regularly by the same window cleaning company, they will know your windows are in good condition and relatively easy to clean, whereas if the windows are neglected and grime builds up, the job becomes significantly more difficult and time consuming. 

Increased Health 

It is known that sunlight is beneficial for humans. A 2018 study in the United States found that natural light and a view of the outdoors was one of the most important things workers looked for in a workplace. 

Natural sunlight helps the human body produce vitamin D, and can improve happiness, reduce stress, and promote health. Dirty windows can reduce this by blocking light, diminishing views, and creating a less naturally positive environment. 

How can phs Interclean Help?  

phs Interclean works with thousands of businesses across the UK, delivering high quality, end to end commercial & specialist window cleaning services. 

Backed by experienced technicians and nationwide coverage, we can accommodate any cleaning requirement. With 24/7 services, we can deliver at any time or date to minimize our impact on your normal operations. 

To hear more or discuss your requirements with us, get in touch today

Our Brands
  • Cleaning chemicals
  • Paper & wiping
  • Janitorial & anciliary
  • Washroom & specialists
  • Hanging baskets
  • Christmas trees
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  • Electrical and mechanical maintenance
  • Fire and security maintenance
  • Electric vehicle charging services
  • Crate wash services
  • Crates and accessories to buy
  • Crate rental
  • Range of safety workwear
  • Unique laundry service
  • Locker service
  • Uniform destruction
  • Waste reduction and segregation
  • Waste and money saving audit
  • Landfill diversion
  • Bespoke tailored solutions